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National Open Science Policy

The Government and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education have defined the commitment of science to the principles and practices of Open Science as a priority, being committed to the elaboration and implementation of a National Open Science Policy based on the statement that Knowledge is of All and for All.

Open Science is not, however, an end in itself, but a means that allows the translation of scientific knowledge to the scientific community, society and companies, thus making it possible to increase the recognition and social and economic impact of science.

Open Science is more than providing open access to data and publications, it represents the opening of the scientific process as a whole, reinforcing the concept of scientific social responsibility.

Its pillars are i) transparency in practices, methodology, observation and data collection, ii) public availability and reuse of scientific data, public access and transparency in scientific communication, iv) the use of web-based tools in order to facilitate scientific collaboration.

In pursuit of this objective, the MCTES published, in February, a document with os Guiding Principles  for Open Science | Knowledge for Alland in March, the Council of Ministers approved aresolutionwith the guidelines for the National Open Science Policy and mandates MCTES to create aInterministerial Working Group (GT-PNCA).


The National Open Science Policy will be publicly presented in April 2017, subject to public discussion.


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